
bake 20.

as you may or may not now, i'm not a fan of baking.  at all.  lately i started dabbling in the art (and it really is an art) of bread making and while it's not always successful, i've fallen in love.  determined to embrace this new world of baking, i've set forth a little challenge for myself.

between now and the end of the year, i am going to bake 20 different items.  i don't have a plan and have no idea where to start.  also, considering we're moving in a couple months and will possibly be without a home for a few weeks after the fact (fingers crossed this isn't the case & more on this later), 20 still seems a bit lofty.  

as it should be, this will be rather challenging for me, but i'm so set on doing something that will push me out of my comfort zone.  depending on what i end up baking, we might also have some very happy co-workers.

here goes nothing!