
january: grow consistent.

over the last couple days, i've actively pondered how to best use my one little word.  per ali's prompt in her one little word class, i sat down and wrote out every way that i'd like to grow.  and trust me, the list was ridiculously long.  but instead of getting frustrated or overwhelmed, i decided on this: much like last year, i'm going to commit to a few things a month.  but unlike last year, these will be centered not only around grow, but also a few key components from zig ziglar's wheel of life.

i first heard about this wheel of life as a. and i were driving across the country.  as we drive, we love listening to books on tape & podcasts.  for us, it's a great way to learn and grow when we're on the go.  and if you've been following this blog, you know how much we love our trips.  as i was listening to john maxwell's the 15 invaluable laws of growth, he mentioned the wheel of life.  intrigued by the message and always on the pursuit of balance, i decided to incorporate it into my 2013 resolutions.

instead of focusing on seven different components all at once, i'm breaking the wheel down to five a month, so i can actively spend more time on each category.  some months i'll be heavily focused on the family or social piece of my life whereas others i might be more physically and spiritually focused.  as with everything, it's all about balance.

for january, my main focus is to grow consistently.  lately it seems everything i start, i have a hard time finishing.  i feel as though i'm losing focus on the important things and my life is getting rather chaotic.  i'm sure this has a lot to do with the fact that we're still living out of suitcases and are still in transition.  so to get back on track & centered, i'm going to do everything in my power to stay consistent.

as i focus on consistency, my secondary goals are these:

  1. simplify our life
  2. stretch daily
  3. read one book
  4. organize all blog components
  5. volunteer
these are all relatively easy tasks, but things i feel as though i need to start doing consistently.  incorporating these components into my life will undoubtedly tie in other habits i'm hoping to grow.  for example, reading a book means watching less tv and organizing this blog will lead to consistent posts that hopefully take half the time to create.

for me, january is all about baby steps & hoping these little changes bring about huge opportunities to grow.

ps. interested to know more about one little word?  start here.  want to know how to get involved with this community?  join us here.  follow my voyage here.

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