
contemplating blogging.

sometimes blogging is a little like having to put a project together every single day.  the projects can be super fun or ridiculously arduous.  right now, for some reason unbeknownst to me, blogging has recently felt like a chore.  so much so that i'm finding myself wondering if i should keep this up.  i hate quitting in anything and i fear that giving up this space would make me feel like nothing less.

but i'm laking motivation and interesting information- and how is that fair to you as a loyal and faithful reader?  so instead of calling it quits, for the rest of the month i'm going to continue blogging but only a few times a week.  this way i don't have the pressure of having amazing content & can figure out what i truly want this space to be.

i figured i'd let you know what's going on in my head so you don't think i've suddenly fallen off the face of the earth.  as i mentioned here, sometimes you have to take a few steps backward to move forward.  and right now, that's what i'm doing with this blog.  thanks for understanding.

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