
the bragg challenge.

one of my co-workers is just as nutty as i am.  she's always trying new, natural remedies and the other day, informed me of her apple cider vinegar (acv) with "the mother" challenge.  for one week, she is going to consume 1-2 tablespoons of acv three times a day (or one huge shot every morning...her words, not mine).

never one to turn down a challenge, i offered to join her.  over the past couple years, the health benefits of consuming and using acv has popped up in more and more articles.  apparently, it the miracle elixir.  and as noted on bragg's apple cider vinegar, in 400 b.c. hippocrates, the father of medicine, used it for its amazing natural cleansing, healing and energizing health qualities (i'm not a sucker for marketing scams or anything, am i?).

i know this challenge will give my family and friends amo for my craziness, but i'm excited to see if after a week, the benefits are all that they claim to be.  my challenge begins today & i'll be sure to report back on the results.  oh yea, wanna join me?

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