
welcome november.

dear november
i'm excited for the promises you bring
& i have plenty in store for you this blustery month
i plan to enjoy your cool breezes and morning frosts
and of course, the last bit of color in the leaves

my word for this month is patience- as much will be required
i'm planning to get my life back on track since
the months that were september and october
were emotional and chaotic and while ever-so-wonderful
removed me from my routine

so i will require patience with myself and life
as everything will definitely begin to change
in a good and healthy way

this november
we're hosting our first thanksgiving dinner in a long time
& prepping the house for many family visits-
from my mom, sister and a.'s parents
there are plenty of challenges in a basement remodel
cooking dinner for four and
finding that work-life balance

& i have a few extra challenges of my own.
this month i plan to create at least four projects
this month we are committed to eating at home five days a week
this month i start training

so with the falling leaves and first snow flurries
i embrace you november
and look forward to the many wonderful
and exciting things you'll bring to us
and ask of me in return

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