
pineapple kale juice.

we're still juicing* around here.  not as much as we'd like, but on days we don't have house showings, we go to town.

i often find when i juice kale or collard greens, it tastes like drinking grass.  and that's a flavor i try to avoid.  generally, apples are my go to kale juice enhancer, but with so many fresh pineapples at the market, i figured i'd mix things up a bit.   this fresh juice is sweet, hearty and tropical.  the perfect morning pick-me-up.

pineapple kale juice
serves 2

1 1/2 heads of kale
1/2 pineapple, peeled and thickly cut.
1/2 lemon
5 carrots

per juicer instructions, add all ingredients one by one.  chill juice, serve cold & enjoy.
note: if the flavor is too strong or you'd like the recipe to yield more juice, add a little water (about 1/4 - 1/2 cup) to thin it out.

*for all our juicing needs, we use this fantastic beast.

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